"....We see that only 80 years ago in Germany, human beings were led astray by exactly the same problem. People make a mistake and think that the Holocaust and what happened in Germany was because of antisemitism. But it wasn't because of antisemitism, it was because that God Almighty had been taken out of the school system, even in Bismarck's time. And they raised generations of children that though that the highest form of humanity was human logic. God was taken out of the picture. Once a person takes God out of the picture, then human logic can justify anything. And that is exactly what the Nazis did. The Nazis were very, very logical people. They had professors, they had scientists, great professors, great thinkers and great Philosophers, who were the basis of their thinking. So it was not an anti-Semitic spasm. What really happened was a manipulation and the hijacking of the German people, who happened to be very disciplined, very focused and very efficient people, to corrupt them into following the public health ideology. Nazim was really about public health. What we are seeing today is the same concept. What was the first thing after the Nazi's took over? within a few days they opened the concentration camp Dachau to put in their political opponents. But in a few weeks they were sterilizing Germans. Non-Jewish Germans were being sterilized because they decided they were not worthy of reproducing. And then by 1938, 1939 they were murdering and euthanizing elderly, sick and terminally ill children and adults. This was the concept of lives unworthy of life. Nazis were not inventing: they were actually just implementing (it) in a very efficient way/ All they had to do is then expand and to say that now the Jewish people were the next target. After they'd finish with the Jewish people, they were going to kill all the Polish people, all the Ukrainians and the process of eliminating everyone who they did not think was worthy of living. So we have to remember that Nazism was really Public Health. You cannot have a concept of Public Health that does not lead to that level of destruction. Because Public health by definition destroys the individual and says that someone somewhere is going to make a decision of what is best for everybody and then it is going to be enforced without any compassion, without any mercy whatsoever." Rabbi Yithzok Dovid Smith

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